January 7, 2025 6 P.M.
3rd quarter October November December
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Solem at 6:00 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
BOARD PRESENT: Supervisor Solem, Treasurer Gottschalk, Trustee Haswell, Trustee Robb Bollenberg and Clerk Michalak.
PUBLIC PRESENT: 13 residents-Bob Michalak, Ray and Molly Franks, Heather Hollick, , Linda Gottschalk, Lisa Pyne, Mike Burgard, Gretchen Knoblock, Matt Wieber, Paula Figura, Mary Pitcher and Art Jeannot
A MOTION by Haswell, support by Bollenberg to accept minutes from 2nd quarter; motion carried all ayes. A MOTION by Gottschalk, support by Solem to accept the special meeting minutes from October 29, 2025 as presented; motion carried, all ayes.
Lindy Evans-State Savings Bank- Ms. Evans introduced herself to the board and brought calendars
COMMISSIONER REPORT- Art gave his quarterly report and a copy is available at the hall. Grant funding totaling $ 7.2 million has been received and distributed among many county agencies. A permanent location has been acquired for the head start program. Dedicated classroom space will be ready for the 2025-2026 school year.
Charter franchise fee received for $625.00. Gerhart forestry sent earnest money in the amount of $1700.00 for the Township pine harvest.
Clerk read life tribute of Jan Tennant. A celebration of life is planned for July 19 2025.
Letter read from Valley Road resident concerning utility service hook up.
Benzie County Hazardous waste collections for 2025 are June 21 and
August 23, 2025. Dave Schaffer is the current recycling coordinator 231 882-0554
2 property transfers- 7574 -Indian Hill $490,00 7532 Way Rd- $268,000
Well and septic permit (2) 4060 and 4772 Valley Rd
Building Permits- The quarterly report is available at the hall reflecting all permits issued thru December 31, 2024.
BOR dates are as follows March 10 3-9 March 12 9-3pm
WBJPC- Mary Pitcher gave an update of activities -9 Platte township permits, 67 permits for Benzonia Township. WBJPC has new legal representation with Foster Swift. The next meeting is January 16, 2025 at 6 pm at the Benzonia township Hall. Robb Bollenberg stated the Planning commission meetings are scheduled for January, March, May, July, September, and November, the 2nd Thursday of stated months at 6pm. Bollenberg explained the Sunkissed Hill situation to date. Bollenberg states that the Crystal Lake Watershed overlay Amendment language is ready for review by the board. - A draft of proposed amendment language has not been received to the board. Supervisor states a review of language is required before any board action. Clerk will notify all members of the board once received.
Resident survey—Supervisor read the old survey sent to property owners in 2011. The board agreed to adding another questionnaire with the July 2025 tax statement
ARPA– Treasurer reports that all monies have been used to fund the parking lot and hall improvements. A total of $38,462.00 has been spent; ARPA monies received in the amount of $37,048.00
A MOTION by Michalak, support by Solem to accept the 2025 meeting dates as presented by the clerk motion carried all ayes.
A MOTION by Michalak, support by Haswell to continue custodial services to Cynthia Gottschalk
A MOTION by Haswell, SUPPORT by Gottschalk to continue sexton services to Joe Harriger
A Motion by Haswell support by Gottschalk to approve Glen Lake summer tax collection for 2025, motion carried all ayes.
Budget Amendment: A MOTION by Michalak support by Haswell to amend the election budget to $13,000; motion carried, all ayes
PUBLIC INPUT- Lisa Pyne asked the board to consider the future of Planning and zoning to contract with another governmental entity. Mary pitcher reports that Lake Township is considering an administrative fee to Ironman of $3000.00. She suggests Platte consider the same.
BOARD ROUNDTABLE- A MOTION by Michalak support by Haswell to allow the Supervisor and clerk to negotiate an administrative fee of no less than $3000 for the ironman scheduled for September 14, 2025 Ironman race; motion carried all ayes, voice vote.
Haswell comments that the east entrance to the Hall needs an awning to deflect the snow falling from the metal roof.
Solem states the website needs updating. Clerk and Supervisor will work on updates
A motion by Haswell, support by Gottschalk to accept the clerk’s operating statement as presented. Voice vote, motion carried, all ayes.
A motion by Haswell, support by Michalak to accept the Treasurer’s operating statement as presented. Voice vote, motion carried, all ayes.
A motion by Gottschalk, support by Michalak to approve the bills for the 3rd quarter as presented. Voice vote, motion carried, all ayes.
Motion to adjourn by Trustee Haswell, support by Bollenberg; All ayes, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:10pm
Respectfully submitted by:
Alison Michalak, clerk